('gothic vibe')
Potential allusion, to 'a' Terry McGinnis?

"When I was little..." - Evey Hammond

V For Vendetta - Evey Reborn - YouTube (2:15-2:17)

(Tuxedo Park neighborhood dwelling, in South Orange, NJ)
I had cohabited here, with relatives... a Seton Hall University student...

[photo initially snapped, on 2/19/14... ...which was when, I got my driver's license... for the first time (such was renewed)]













5:08 PM (2/13/24):

My EKG results ('via lens'), as of 3:37 PM... on 2/13/24...
NOTE #1:
I was informed by my primary care physician ('PCP') that he seeks, to refer me... to a cardiologist... the aftermath, of my insurance... denying a request, from his office [due to criteria, that was not applicable (which I did not meet)]... ...for me to get an echocardiogram, from a 'second source'... The cardiologist would do 'further evaluation,' beyond the EKG... ...according, to one of my PCP's assistants...

NOTE #2:
The following were absent (from me):
1. chest pain
2. shortness of breath
3. heart palpitation
4. history of heart surgery 

NOTE #3:
One of the 'blurred results' was that my PR interval, was '192'... 
"The normal PR interval is between 120 – 200 ms (0.12-0.20s) in duration (three to five small squares). If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present." (Google search result)
>>>ms stands for 'milliseconds'

NOTE #4:
5:28 PM (2/13/24):
The 'red fill' is present, because on '2' consecutive attempts... ...the text '8 PM (2/13/24)' appeared... in that area (under 'black fill'), and was 'automated'
...middle finger, is given...

5:34 PM (2/13/24):


4:58 PM (2/13/24):
"For what should it profit a man, to gain the 'whole world'... ...but lose, his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36

17 birds, departing from Monte Irvin Orange Park (East Orange, NJ - 5:13 PM, on 2/12/24) ( 


Discussing my insights, on Mark 14:30... of the bible (East Orange, NJ - 10:17 AM, on 2/13/24) (


4:41 PM (1/26/24):


[ASMR] PERSONAL ATTENTION from your girl' (via Google Translate - Russian to English)

There was a point of time, in human history... ...where phone calls (international and domestic), were impossible... In modern day, such is a leisure... ...that many, have access to. 

I believe that the next 'awakening,' that is comparable... to this... when people can decipher foreign languages, instantaneously... ...when people of differing countries, are exchanging dialogue (where each country, has as its own language)... To process spoken words, of another language... with the clarity, ease and efficiency, of one's native language/tongue... ...will likely require, the invention... of some technology... ...that is on par, with 'quantum technologies'...

This may be a reality, in 200 years' time (in terms of a 'heliograph-equivalent,' regarding proportionality)... 

(a machine/tool that decodes a foreign language, in real-time... that the receiver, can process what has been said... ...instantaneously... though, such a foreign language... was native)


6:07 PM (1/26/24):

Total Recall (2012) - Car Chase Scene (4/10) | Movieclips - YouTube (a time period, such as this?)

The movie 'Total Recall' likely takes place in the year 2337, as opposed to 2084...

what year does total recall take place - Google Search 



4:56 PM (1/26/24):
The camera was invented, in 1816... by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce (of France). Such was initially called, the 'heliograph'...

Tarzan - Strangers Like Me ( (0:00-0:10)

The Wright Brothers invented flight, in 1903...

The Wright brothers first aeroplane flight (1903) (

Humans landed on the moon, in 1969...

A History Of Spacewalks: First Walk On The Moon, July 21, 1969 | TIME (


1:53 PM (1/26/24):

My FAVORITE Way to Find Speaking Gigs is Easier Than You Think - YouTube

3:49 PM (1/26/24):

My primary care physician called me, at 3:23 PM... on 1/26/24... ...and said that there was much improvement, in my 'blood work results'... Upon inquiry, he attested ('in his words') that he is 'in fact' 'highly skeptical (doubting)' that I had a prior heart attack (since 2016), but seeks for me to get an echocardiogram done... ...given that such is an ultrasound, of the heart... ...and can verify, the 'observed anomaly'... is 'not serious'... (he said that he doesn't think that the detection, 'is serious'...) 
NOTE #1:
The call lasted 5 minutes & 11 seconds (the '5:11' is very faint, 'above')
NOTE #2:
I attribute the improvements, to having a healthier physiology (a deficit of 30 pounds, since my physical in 2023... ...which is the result, of much power walking... and plyometrics... This correlates, to cardiovascular fitness/'better blood flow'... and etcetera...
NOTE #3:
My HDL ('good cholesterol') went from the 20's to the 40's (mg/dL), regarding last year... to this year... The increase, is ideal...
(60mg/dL is desirable... in both men and women)


9:07 AM (1/26/24):

[photo of my roommate (Brice), sleeping... at 5:15 AM... on 1/26/24...]
He smokes a lot, and minimally exercises - this likely accounts, for his 'sub-optimal (low)... blood circulation'
...he turns 30 years old, on March 23, 2024...
(as of 1/15/24, Brice was using a new phone... that his mom, got for him)

When I look at the star system (artistic rendering, of such), in this article... ...I truly wonder about the realities... that exist... throughout the cosmos/universe... ...that 'extraterrestrial organisms,' experience...
The article talks about a 'gravitational anomaly,' and like many anomalies... ...correlation, does not necessarily imply... ...causation. 
That which may be thought of as 'conventional wisdom,' may be subjective (rather than objective) truth... ...given that there is often more, to a story... ...than meets the eye (certain details, may be elusive)...

1:29 PM (1/26/24):
There are 195 countries on planet Earth (where at least 8.7 million different species, of 'discovered' plants and animals... cohabit - humans are thought of as the foremost of them, due to their civilization, intellect and technology). It's worth noting, that humans are primarily cognizant... ...of other humans, in their own ecosystems... opposed to humans, in other parts... of the world... any given moment (this does not account, for how humans are largely ignorant... ...of the lives, of animals... in these respective ecosystems)
Given that Earth, is 1 of 8 planets... that orbits, our star (in our solar system)... ...which is just 1, of an estimated 10 sextillion to 200 sextillion stars... the 'entire universe (a sextillion is '1' billion billion)'... ...the aforementioned, gives 'great credence'... that humans 'are not alone'... the universe/cosmos... 
Humans are not alone, on Earth...

1:46 PM (1/26/24):
Ants built anthills...
Humans built pyramids...
...Anonymous extraterrestrials... built '?'...

1:50 PM (1/26/24):


7:12 AM (1/26/24):

Dr Usain Bolt awarded another honorary doctorate | Loop Jamaica (

The prior article, is of interest... the context, of the following quote:

"Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use... change, the world..." - Nelson Mandela 

Jaydon Hibbert goes professional, says farewell to University of Arkansas - All Woman (

Jaydon Hibbert is a triple jumper, with 'untapped and uncommon' potential... surpass the triple jump world record, of 18.29 meters... ...which is presently held, by Jonathan Edwards (of Great Britain)... ...having been set, on August 7, 1995... in Gothenburg, Sweden... (the city, is also called 'Goteborg')

Based off the 'above article,' I surmise that Jaydon can always finish his collegiate education... ...given the value, of having a degree... ...for employment opportunities, in certain fields (of which, there are many - law, medicine and engineering... ...for instance)...

RECAP [from - ASCENT OF ARTICLES & LINKS (newsworthy, &/or of interest), ALONG WITH MINI DIARY (]:


Hugues Fabrice Zango wants to be 'a symbol of hope' for Burkina Faso - BBC Sport

"Very impressive article, regarding the victor/winner in the triple jump... at the 2023 World Championships, in Budapest, Hungary. Such was Hugues Zango, of the country 'Burkina Faso (1 of Africa's 54 countries)'... Not only was he world champion, but he just finished his PhD... electrical engineering... at Artois University, in France..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 11:48 PM... on 12/30/23


7:14 AM (1/26/24): 
My estimation, is that Jaydon seeks... capitalize on his youth (& 'physiological efficiency'), for breaking the triple jump world record... 

LAST GASP!! Jaydon Hibbert 17.66m all but won his first Diamond League event then this happened... (

Jaydon also triple jumped 17.87 meters, on 5/13/23... (he was 18 years old, then... ...and Jonathan Edwards was age 29, when he triple jumped 18.29 meters)


Men's triple jump (

Jaydon turned 19 years old, on January 17, 2024...

7:21 AM (1/26/24):
For a RECAP, see post #24... here:

ARTICLES OF INTEREST (w/ linked videos, ‘as commercials’): | by Michael Izuchukwu | Medium


10:31 AM (1/25/24):

(see #21)
"For all I know, JJ spends his time... my mom's dwelling (when she is at work, at Walgreens)... ...building a case, for himself... ...that 'someone is controlling him'... via some means... ...and that is why, he hasn't shown up for family gatherings... in years (I haven't seen him, since the Fall of 2018... ...even  though, he has been in New Jersey... ...the whole time)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

That's 'the vibe,' I get...

Path (


9:58 AM (1/25/24):
Day in the of European rich kid in Dubai | bernard arnault | TikTok

Out of curiosity, I looked up a database... and realized, that in 2018... ...over the course of 3 months & 13 days (6/3/18 to 9/16/18), I had earnings of $8,581... ...from my time, as a behavioral health technician... at Ascendant NY (a detoxification facility, in New York City)... ...while having been a student, at Eastern Virginia Medical School (in a 'remote capacity')...

I had had an approximation (in the back of my mind), of this balance... ...and this reaffirmed my prior conclusion, after 'looking this up'... ...that JJ (my middle brother) had conspired against me... ....when we had been cohabiting, at the Harclay House apartment complex... in East Orange, NJ (with my mom)... ...from 2017-2019. This is in the context, of him usurping... my 'authentically earned' earnings (via 'financial extortion),' to pay off those... ...he had been indebted to, for paraphernalia usage. Ultimately, this resulted in me suing my mom... ...for assisting JJ, in this process [and a lawsuit victory, by me (the plaintiff)... as of 3/6/19]...



I do know, that JJ was working 'odd jobs' at the time (window cleaning and pizza jobs, such as a role... at a Trattoria establishment, in South Orange, NJ)...

Ultimately, after the lawsuit victory... I was evicted (by my 'retaliatory' mom) from my dwelling in East Orange, NJ (where my mom and JJ had formerly cohabited, before relocating to Nutley, NJ)... ...and experienced 13 months of homelessness/vagrancy... ...before my EVMS funds, had been utilized... my former apartment, in University City, MO... ...for the time interval, that I had been there (3/21/20 to 10/25/20)...

Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) | TikTok (40 days >>> 40 years*)


Acts 7:23-8:1 NIV - “When Moses was forty years old, he - Bible Gateway

10:15 AM (1/25/24):
...ultimately, I was at EVMS... ...because I felt that such could potentially be a pathway, that branches off... to working at NASA ('with astronauts'), or some cosmology-related role... My interest had been in otolaryngology ['ears/head, neck & throat (ENT)]', to make... what JJ would likely believe, was 'big money'... ...and he may have suspected, that I was on the road... 'great expectations,' and consequently... ...sought, to advantage himself...


10:21 AM (1/25/24):

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never... see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ) 


1:21 PM (1/25/24):


("A photo I snapped, at 7:40 AM... on 11/25/23... ...after walking to Monte Irvin Orange Park, for some exercise..." - Michael Izuchukwu)



11:47 PM (1/24/24):

I spoke with my youngest brother, Joe, for 58 minutes & 44 seconds (58:43 snapshot*)... ...via the phone... of 8:57 PM, on 1/24/24... He said that he is having his wedding, to his fiancée... Yende... in October, of this year (in the country, of Dominica)... Aside from this, he said that he hasn't seen my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.) face-to-face... 'much longer' than a year... 

Chances are, that I will do a 'video call' during the wedding.... ...and not be in attendance... ...due to the nature of the present familial dynamics, logistics, and due to my mom's suggestion. 

Nevertheless, Joe said that 'his assumption'... is that JJ will not be attending the wedding... because they haven't spoken, in quite a while... ...even though, my mom has suggested... 'the contrary'...


11:29 PM (1/24/24):

(getting a physical done, at a doctor's office... in Millburn, NJ... at 10:55 AM, on 1/24/24 - 1 of 2)

(getting a physical done, at a doctor's office... in Millburn, NJ... at 11:11 AM, on 1/24/24 - 2 of 2)
NOTE #1:
Regarding the EKG (electrocardiogram) test, my primary care physician said that the readings since 2016, were consistent... ...Nevertheless, he made reference to what he believed was 'anomaly'... ...and wanted me to get an echocardiogram done, given that he suspected I formerly had 'a heart attack'... ...although, I have no knowledge (or recollection)... of such...
NOTE #2:
My weight during today's visit (on 1/24/24), was 233 pounds... ...and during my last visit (on 1/18/23), such had been 263 pounds


8:43 AM (1/24/24):

New 2024 BMW XM - Brutal SUV #2024bmwxm #newbmwxm #bmwxm2024 #new2024... | bmw xm | TikTok 

Tupac doing a rap narration, for a 2024 BMW XM vehicle


8:41 AM (1/24/24):
happy saturday friends 🤍 #dayinmylife #ditl #saturdayvlog #ditlofadoc... | morning vlog | TikTok

Dr. Lydia Pulci, preparing a very nutritious (& 'energizing') breakfast (scrambled eggs, tomato & lettuce-topped bagel)


12:52 AM (1/24/24):
Frankfurt, Germany 🇩🇪 Financial District & Historical Town ☀️ 2023 4k HDR Walking Tour ▶︎Captions (

Regarding 52:38-54:07 of this video (in Frankfurt, Germany), the rendering of such... ...made it seem, as though... the ambience/atmosphere, could be likened to that of a video game (Half-Life 2, perhaps)... ...where one has to be very self-sufficient, to endure...


1:05 AM (1/24/24):
I kind of felt like 'an old man,' when I realized that Half-Life 2... ...was released, in 2004 (and was a video game, that I formerly played... via the XBOX console)


12:16 AM (1/24/24):

BBC Face to Face| Martin Luther King Jr Interview (1961) (

"Interesting MLK 'interview documentary'... Regarding 0:00-11:09, I had the impression that MLK had the vibe... of an Asian man, who was speaking... terms of his body language (when such is juxtaposed, with his articulation... and voice inflection)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

He was '32' years old, at the time...


11:47 PM (1/23/24):

FAITH EDIT | The Prince of Egypt ( (0:00-0:50)

Seti I (father of Ramses II) was attempting to corrupt Moses, in the 'above segment'...

Regarding the prior post, I was reminded of the Facebook friend 'Natasha Stone'... That name, spelled backwards... ...reads 'ENOTS AHSATAN'... ...which is interesting...

11:56 PM (1/23/24):

The Underhanded Betrayal That Would Cost Hitler WW2 | Warlords: Hitler vs Stalin | Timeline (

The 'above' observation, likely likens Adolf Hitler... to Satan... ...based off his role, regarding the Holocaust... ...which resulted in the demise, of an estimated 6 million Jews...


7:03 PM (1/23/24):
"...true story... ...from 7:00 PM to 7:01 PM, on 1/23/24... I was listening to this song:

Narvent "Fainted" (

...and one word appeared in my mind, which was 'Medusa'... So, I did a Google search... of such... Not sure, about the basis for the idea... ...or the potential implications..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:19 PM (1/23/24):
Calabi–Yau manifold - Wikipedia

"This is the type of thinking, that may be required... explore a world/planet/moon, in a different galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu (when one truly understands, the real-life applications... of such mathematics... ...such is remarkable)

A breakthrough, regarding 'the above'... will likely surface, no later... than 250 years, from now... ...assuming technological progress, remains at the rate... such has been...

3:31 PM (1/23/24):
I am certain that 'this' is something, that someone from the future ('by the projected year, of 2274')... can corroborate...


Alien Autopsy | Men In Black | Voyage | With Captions (


2:34 PM (1/23/24):
"Having just purchased some items from ShopRite (at 2:14 PM), after stopping by McDonald's (at 1:52 PM)... I exited the ShopRite... ...a security guard, was arguing with a raggedy man... ...and telling him, to go to 'his Uber'... The raggedy man was retorting, and the guard responded 'I can ban you, right now...' ...I proceeded to walk away (past some onlookers), and turned the corner... see that a 'GARDAWORLD' truck, was parked... Perhaps such had money inside, and the guard wanted to deter the words 'robbery in progress'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Both establishments, were in East Orange, NJ... ...both times, refer to receipt-based transactions...


12:08 PM (1/23/24):

Outrage over NYC migrant shelter evictions ( (1:10-1:35)

The above video segment, gives the impression... ...that there are some migrants, who believe... that their mailing addresses... ...are at, the shelters (whether or not, that is true)


11:41 AM (1/23/24):

Black voters souring on Biden: 'This is embarrassing' ( (0:00-4:10)

Alien civilization: Report suggests there may be 36 intelligent aliens in universe ( (0:00-0:18)

...Charles Payne (Fox News correspondent) featured, in both segments...


7:03 AM (1/23/24):

Japan is now the 5th country to land on the Moon – the technology used will lend itself to future lunar missions (

NOTE #1:

India joins list of countries who have landed on the moon |

NOTE #2:

How many years, until a nation/country in Africa... ...lands, on the moon? Africa is 1 continent, consisting of 54 countries... ...and is the 2nd largest continent (by land area), behind Asia...


7:01 AM (1/23/24):

Dexter Scott King, son of Martin Luther King Jr., dies of cancer at 62 : NPR


9:41 AM (1/22/24):

I came back from South Orange, NJ, moments ago... ...after having taken the train, there... to buy a sesame bagel, with a sparkling water drink... ...for breakfast.

(on the train, having left South Orange, NJ... at 8:48 AM... on 1/22/24)
9:46 AM (1/22/24):
Upon returning to my dominion (to eat the bagel, given that I drank the drink... ...during my return, to the train station)... these thoughts, appeared in my mind.

"Since you're (regarding me) an Egyptian (specifically, an Egyptian-American... the context, of there being 54 countries... on the continent, of Africa... ...and having been born, in Newton, Massachusetts... ...of the United States, on 11/2/89)... likely feel unsettled, or 'not content'... ...unless you're on the frontlines, of that... ...which is 'pioneering'..."


Home | Michael Izuchukwu (


About | Michael Izuchukwu (

9:52 AM (1/22/24):
I stopped by ShopRite, 'on the way home'... ...and the idea occurred to me... ...that 2 parents, are better than 1... ...when contemplating, how my parents divorced in 2011... ...and my dad had to undergo '4' heart surgery operations, between 2006 and 2020 (he was in need of a 5th, as of 10/7/20... ...which was the eve, of his death)... ...Nevertheless, my dad did not reach out to me (in the context of the divorce, being based off his emotional and psychological abuse... to his family members)... ...until 4/22/18 (2 months & 14 days, after he had filed for food stamps... in Missouri)... 

My dad's application for food stamps, as of 2/8/18...

NOTE #1:
When one has parents that are on the same page, as oneself... ...that can be 'an insulating variable,' from the worries... of the world... (although ignorance, is not bliss... ...there are 'always worries,' but there are some worries... ...which one need not be, entangled with)

Peter Parker meets Norman Osborn - Spider-Man (2002) Movie CLIP HD ( (0:30-0:56)

NOTE #2:
Dad was operated on (for his heart), in 2006, 2010, 2013* & 2018 (9/24/18)... 

Terms of interest (regarding my dad's medical condition):

Myocardial infarction, pacemaker, heart arrythmia, aortic dissection operation, numerous medications...

10:26 AM (1/22/24):

My dad attested to being the CEO, of 2 companies - CORE DEVICES & STRUCTURED ANALYTICS (see #'s 41 & 42 - voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit)... ...He could have done some things, to refine my life/reality... ...for the '7' years (May 2011 - 4/22/18), that there was silence ('no phone calls')... ...between us... ...after my parents, divorced...


7:16 AM (1/22/24):
True story: When I attempted to post the specific link of: my Facebook wall, the 'display photo (regarding me, standing outside my former apartment complex... in 2020)' would not go to 'that screen'... ...which is displayed, when one types that URL address in... ...via a laptop, or desktop computer... 'That screen,' is an 'enlarged view (of that photo)'... ...corresponding to the most recent 'blog page,' via this URL address...


'Size doesn't matter'... 

4. 2024 Olympics’ bold opening ceremony plan is a go: A boat parade through Paris - The Athletic

3. NASA delays Artemis 2 and 3 missions - SpaceNews

2. NASA fellowship fuels doctoral student’s search for alien life | Inside UCR

The absence of evidence, does not imply... ...the evidence, of absence. This has been proven, via many scientific breakthroughs... ...such as the discovery of atoms, by John Dalton (the father of 'atomic theory')... ...or the discovery of galaxies, by Charles Messier...

The majority of humans, believed the Earth was flat (as opposed to spherical), until Christopher Columbus discovered 'the Americas'... 1492... ...which paved the way, for colonization... and John Smith, meeting Pocahontas... 1607...

1. stay tuned i suppose #fyp #foryoupage #greysanatomy #medschool #premed... | freezing eggs | TikTok

Female talking about a study, that over 40% of doctors... ...regret their career choice



Who would pay, that much... ...for 'artwork'...?


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